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Integration with SvelteKit

SvelteKit is the fastest way to build svelte apps. It is very simple and lets you build the frontend & backend in a single place.

You can add GraphQL Yoga with a few lines of code and get the benefits of GraphQL & SvelteKit at the same time. Envelop ecosystem for example!


In a SvelteKit project:


Create your GraphQL Endpoint

Create the following file:

import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/common'
import type { RequestEvent } from '@sveltejs/kit'
const yogaApp = createServer<RequestEvent>({
  schema: {
    typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
      type Query {
        hello: String
    resolvers: {
      Query: {
        hello: () => 'SvelteKit - GraphQL Yoga'
  graphiql: {
    endpoint: '/api/graphql'
export { yogaApp as get, yogaApp as post }

Simple example on our GitHub repository here.


More examples with our KitQL library here. The best of all GraphQL ecosystem for SvelteKit.